1 dec. 2012


polygon:--bahu-guN, adj. Many-threaded, composed of many threads; manifold, many times over, multifarious, much; having many good qualities or virtues, variously excellent:--bahu-gandh, s.m. The resin of Boswellia thurifera, olibanum; cinnamon:--bahu-gandhā, s.f. The flower of Michelia champaka; the plant Jasminum auriculatum; the Arabian jasmine; the plant Nigella indica; name of several other odoriferous plants:--bahu-mān, s.m. Great respect, reverence:--bahu-mitra, adj. Having many friends:--bahu-mūrtti, adj.
mfn. many-threaded ( as a rope ) cf. Pāņ. 6-2, 176 cf. Sch.
manifold, multifarious, much cf. MBh. cf. R.
having many good qualities or virtues, PIņ. vi, 2, 176 cf. Sch.
m. N. of a Deva-gandharva cf. MBh.


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